Friday, May 28, 2010


Whole week exam!!! >_<>

Ok Ok.. First!!!! Chemistry is a bit hard.. But is more better than Bio! Bio is so so so damn damn damn HARD!!! For paper 2 & 3.. The structure question is making me crazy..>_<>

Oh ya~ Today rite, i saw him at society~ teeheehee^_^ I'm happy nia~ he sit in the front roll.. cant really c his face~ but tat's enough for me.. I got CJH liao~ Later kena salah faham again..XDDD

N yea, today, my lovely ke xin call me in the morning..Keep talking abt exam~ n she bought something for me~ hmm! Is actually a pencilbox.. abit childish! NVM ba.. Watever she give me i'll like with my heart, my soul & my hand! LOL =D

Oh oh, I recieve bob present edy.. almost 4 months only i dapat! Thx for the chocolate ya~ =]

Damn him! one weeks 5 day didn sms me~ should i wait? To b honest, i feel like wanna give up...
The last chance for us.. After exam, if u still like tat, I'll say BYE BYE!!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Whee~ Today mood damn good.. U knw y??? Haha.. bcuz of my dearest Ke Xin!!!!She is the only one who can make me smile truly... Smile through my heart! XDDD

今天是本小姐这几个月来最最最开心的一天吧.. 又见到可欣, 启月姐姐!!! 还有家博和泽扬..好久好久没有这么开心了.. 启月姐姐问我是不是失恋??hmm~ 我像吗??哈哈.. 没有啦... [我真的没有] 相信我吧.. 家博呢!看到他就想笑.. 不懂做么啦!! 还有泽扬啊.. 他要去英国了.. 祝他顺顺利利吧=]

哈哈!!! 接下来就是可欣啦!!!今天啊..我妈咪, 我和她一起去吃东西..嘻嘻^^我们两个拼命叫了很多东西吃.. 有素炒饭,宫煲鸡饭,法兰斯土司,香蕉ice-cream,杏仁茶喝奶茶.. 饱到!!!!我都吃不下了.. 她就使出绝招!!!那就是喂我吃.. malu dao~~~ 我妈咪都没眼看~哈哈!!!最后我们一人一口吃个精光.. 撑死我啦!!可是超开心的啦~XDDD 有她在,就算失去所有东西都会开心... =D


不打了.. 读书咯~读书咯~=]

Saturday, May 22, 2010

我好想大哭一场.. 可是想想, 你真的有那么重要吗??我不懂到底什么原因你不回我..可是我真的等到累了.. 曾经说过会坚持的我, 说过不会放弃你, 说过只有你的我.. 我说过的都做到了.. 你呢?你竟然怀疑我?而且不是第一次.. 我对你来说是这样的人吗?我真的累了.. 一直重看我们之间发的信息,一直回忆着那甜蜜的感觉.. 你知道吗? 你一封信息可以让我开心一个星期..那你呢??

为什么我要酱笨??我真的没想到我会有一段酱悲的经历.. 以前只会笑的我在那里? 最没有烦恼的我又在那里?? 最不会胡思乱想的我在那里?? 我失去了自我.. 我要寻找那个以前的我.. 有可能吗??你的影响力真的有这么大吗?? 啊!!!! 我到底在想些什么??为什么偏偏在考试的时候才发生啊??特地的吗??

算了, 这不是埋怨的时候!!! 下一次, 下下一次.. 没有人!绝对没有人可以那么轻易的破坏我的生活!!!!!!不可能有..我已经封闭了我的心!!! 想玩我?? 下一世吧..............

Friday, May 21, 2010

6 day edy...

Wish u gud luck in ur exam =] I got nothing to say to u edy..

Ouch!!!!Am so damn sad... haha! But i knw the way to recover my 疤痕.. LOL

Having a good time wit all my dearest fren.. But they leave me alone T_T

So damn lonely without them... *sob sob*

I'm smiling.... I'm happy.... So damn happy... dun worry bout me..

I should put more effort in my study but not U! *nod nod*

I knw man~ =]

Its over

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


不是每个人都能得到一次机会, 错过了就是错过了.. 不能埋怨,不能生气.. 伤了就是伤了~ 不能再找借口.. Love is like a glass, easy to break but not easy to fix it~ U get wat I means?

Today I start my new life.. am sad but i should pretend happy infront of my family.. feel so frustrated, hopeless & sad.. damn disappointed~ sorry...

从此以后, 我不会再相信别人说的话.. 你!!! 真是.... 一道疤痕啊!! 不希望再见到你了.. 也不会再提你的东西.. 有关你的人, 事, 物 我全都不想再看到, 听到!!!!你真的...啊!! 真糟糕..... 我都不懂做么会相信你..我到底发什么神经啊?? 浪费了两个月的时间来做那些无谓的东西, 想那些不可能发生的事情, 问那些没意义的东西... 我真得很笨咧!!! 啊!!!!真的想象不到.... 我醒了醒了!!!!

算了, 我是时候收拾心情面对下个星期的考试.. 心该定下来了.. 过去的我也不想再提, 不想再回忆!
YJV~ 长大了哦!! =]

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I'm waiting

wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait


answer answer answer answer answer answer


disappointed disappointed disappointed disappointed


enough enough enough enough enough


Monday, May 17, 2010

你到底还要不要我啊??!!!! >_<

aiyayayaya~ i'm sorry babe~ x)

昨天我去可欣家.. 那傻婆弹钢琴给我听啊.. 其实满好听啦可是我特地说像噪音.. 气死她!!! 哈哈
对了, 她答应我明年一定学会我喜欢的那首歌... 我期待期待哦~ XDDD 爱死她了[放心, 我不是同性恋] 哈哈.. =D 从小到大跟她在一起是最开心的.. 很真实的快乐, 很单纯的友谊, 很快乐的童年, 即使吵架也是最甜蜜的回忆, 就算一个月没见面我们都有很多话题.. 她是我最美丽,最聪明,最可爱,最野蛮,最强悍,最疼我,最暴力,最特别,在一起最开心没有顾虑的可欣.. 没有人比得过她呢!!噢, 对了!! 还有我宝贝怡陵啦.. 我们三个在一起一定讲个不停, 吃个不停, 打个不停, 拍个不停, 甜言蜜语多到不行.. 哈哈!!! 好想念他们呢!! 在等着机会一起玩呢.. 期待这次假期..=D

我已经尽力让你知道我对你的感觉了.. 可以不要再怀疑我吗?? 我只是要一个快乐甜蜜的感情..
为什么每次谈天一定吵架啊?? 好希望你每天都可以和我谈天... 我太在意了啦.. 明知道不可能长久的还这么认真.. 说起来, 你好象是我第一个真心的咧.. 要说是你改变我了吗?? hmm~

Friday, May 14, 2010

真的真的很想放弃了... 可是我还不懂原因为什么我想放弃..

我在逃避吗?? 我们在见面会是几时??

椰子:喜与人为伴 / 情绪起伏大



很准啊!!! >_<

I miss him more than he miss me.. LOL!!!!!!

Nvm.. this feeling is gonna disappear very fast..

dun wan think abt u liao.. dun wan dun wan dun wan!!!!

U dare to forget me!! WTH~ am i important to u? I dont think so lo...

U dun take it serious i oso dun wan take it serious!!!

Dont balme me.... is ur fault...==

Dare to lie me... haiz~

Y am i so stupid go n trust u huh??!! LOL!!!!!! Damn angry de lo.......

But wat to do?!

when the feeling is disappear, it means GOODBYE!

No, i still miss u....... T_T [ i'm damn stupid]

Y?? Y?? Y??? u so easy to get the place.. but y u treat me like tat huh?

Ur fren thought i got others boy.. am i tat bad?

Not bcuz of others ppl lo... the problem is.. I REALLY DUNNO WAT R U THINKING!

wat am i actually in ur heart? an item? or something tat can let u happy when u c i'm sad?

is tat happy when u c i'm sad?

or actually v're juz plying???

u juz wan to try the feeling only rite? Then congratulation lo.. u success liao ==

Or mayb.. dis is not the right time v start.............................................

Sunday, May 2, 2010


很纳闷.. 之前很讨厌你的.. 现在我们却xxx了~~

真奇怪.. 我还是不能相信你.. 对不起~ 其实我没有理由不相信你可是心里就是有很多疑问

每次你要我问你的时候我又问不出.. 到底怎么啦??? 你很单纯.. 太单纯了~ 因为你太好了让我觉得自己很坏..


在学校, 无论是下雨, 和朋友看彩虹, 在班上一个人时都会想到你.. 就连晚上看到星星也会想到你..

那你呢?? 我太在意了.. 朋友们都知道吧..

i should not alwys mention ur name... u knw i miss u~ tat means i'm stupid =]

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Exam is coming.. LOL!! focus focus focus~ but i'm still thinking him... >_<
useless... haiz~

Rain.. rainbow~ star hide =[

sun.. smiling~ star shining =]

I miss ke xin, yi ling, kah herng, kah bob, hui ting, Qi yue jie jie, Hui rou jie jie, jing quan...
and yea, Ai xhin, shu phing, jia ying, shan shan, Vincent, rabbit & Jhong =]

LOL!!! am so crazy nia x)))

wish to c u guys...=]

*twinkle twinkle little star*